Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's almost time...

to get out there and VOTE!!! If you do nothing else this week, at least vote. It is your voice. Now, I know some of you are saying, "I'm not gonna vote. I don't like either canadite." In that case let me tell you two things: 1)Sometimes choices in life are between bad and worse, they are not always good and bad, but none the less you have a choice to make. 2) If you don't vote I don't want to hear one NOT EVEN ONE little complaint about how the government is being ran.

I do wholeheartadley agree that this is by far the most important election of MY life time. With Washington overrun with corrupt politicians, the war in Iraq, our can bet your batuties I'm voting! Oh wait, LOL, I already did hehehehe - we are an all vote by mail county and I mailed in my ballot last week.

Do research and make your choice. Please, we as a Nation are counting on YOU!