Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ohhh Mylanta! I am so proud of my son!!!

Ok, so I wanted to take this oppurtunity to brag up my son!!! We've been having severe behavioral problems with my oldest child, in my opinion although I will admit not nearly as bad stories I've read in books, magazine, online & in newspapers but none the less it's been a nightmare for us living with him. Anyways, yesterday it came up that I was going shopping with his little sister so he asked me if he could play the computer while we were gone to which I agreed. Side note: we have a kid's computer schedule and it was not his turn and the standing rule is that there is no swapping, trading, ect. of computer time. He went to get on and Jerry told him that he can't be on because it wasn't his turn. I overhear this as I'm trying to get out the door. Now, I fully anticipated and excepted my son to EXPLODE!!!! Anger is the main things we've been working on with him and something like this would have set him off to Nuclear Level as we refer to it. I expected cuss words, slamming of doors, destruction of his toys/furniture.....I think you get the picture. What we experienced instead was....calm!!! He walked downstairs to watch TV and although I could see on his face he was not happy about it, he remained CALM!!! This is such a huge victory!!!! I explained to Jerry that I ok'ed it, and he ended up playing on the computer. We took time at dinner to tell him just how proud we were of him and much to my surprise Jerry gave him an extra hour of computer time that night for his excellent self restraint - he wants David to know that there are good consequences for our choices as well. Jerry also told him, that even though we greatly appreciated his wonderful choice of how to deal with his feelings, another option would have been to say, "Stepdad, Mom said I could since they were going to the mall. If it's ok with you may I play?" That is step two of the plan --- to teach him how to problem solve but I can not express in words just how extremely proud of him I am!!!! He was upset but dealt with it without becoming out of control. Praise God, thank you for helping us help him!!!