Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jello - everybody needs a little wiggle room???

Ohhh mylanta!!! LOL ya'all!!! I just worked out for the first time in ..... years. Yes, I am ashamed lol to openly admit that. I got a lot of weight off in 2000, down to a size 14 from a 22. After that I bounced back and forth between a size 14 and 20 for a few years. Then our revamp on the house started and I lost a ton, a TON of wieght!!! Got down to a size 10 wooo hoooo!!! Wasn't even trying to lose wieght, it was just a natural effect of working on the house. I suppose 14+ hours a day of physical labor will do that to a girl!!! That was in ... August 2007. I cant remember the month as most things are not important for me to commit to memory and those things that are I end up forgetting anyways LOL. Now, I don't mention weight (pounds) because I never weigh myself. I could care less what number pops up on a scale, not even so much about size although I have to admit I do like it when I get to say "size 12". For me, it's about how I feel physical.

Well, right now sitting her in my computer chair I can feel my big ol' pot belly (had 2 c-sections so I will always have a small pot belly no matter what)and fat rolls on my sides and might I add, the feeling SUCKS!!!! My 14s are feeling tight even though they don't like tight. So what am I going to do about it? Glad you asked LOL

I started by doing my first workout tonight. I taped Denise Austin on my DVR, she's on at 4:30 am and as much as I am a night owl, even for me that is pushing it. I am usually in lala land by then. So, I am hot, sweaty and outta breath LOL :) But I feel good --- NOW that it's over LMBO!!!!

Let me tell you - during the workout I had things giggling and a shaking that I didn't even know I had. I felt muscles that I never knew existed. And Praise God her 30 min show is really only about 15 plus or minus minutes of actual workout. I don't think I could have went much longer :) When I finished my body felt like Jello and I am positive I don't want my body to have wiggle room any longer hehehehe

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