Monday, October 6, 2008

Bigger decifet board?

Ohhh mylanta! Can you believe it? A bigger board is going up next year to show just how much our national decifet is! Man, here's a thought - why not use the money allocated towards a new board, which mind you is needed because the current board doesn't have enough slots to show just how much the money owed is....put it towards our debt! Wow! I mean there's a concept. *Sits here shaking my head, of all the things to spend money on.*

Why not get one of those number boards for the people to go up and hang the numbers? You know like the old baseball score boards. Ok, so it may not be exact 24/7/365 but I think we American's can get the 'gist' of it. Besides from what I saw on the news it is continually ticking up so what would the difference be? It's never 100% accurate as is! Or better yet to save even more money why not just paint the $ on it before the first display spot and make a commitment to not go over the number of spots there??? Ya know, like budgeting?

Heck I never knew the darn thing existed before the news tonight stating that we (don't kid yourselves, it comes out of all of our pockets one way or another) would be buying a new one! I don't know about you but please Government, send my portion towards debt reduction not another sign/clock for crying out loud!!!!!

Further more, if you are that concerned that I know how much the national debt is that you feel a sign/clock is appropriate may I so humbly suggest that you send me an email instead? Better yet, let all of us vote on how our tax dollars should be spent. You all just keep spending and spending with no end in sight - don't believe me? Just the fact that we need *rolls eyes here* a bigger clock should tell you something!

Here's a novel idea - sell the clock and get what you can for it. Apply the proceeds towards the debt. Now not only have you earned money to put towards the debt but you've also eliminated some costs as well. No more maintience or electricity to run the clock. Again, if you really think that we need to be informed of the dollar amount of our national debt you could just move it the internet instead of have it hang on brick and mortar.

Now I am not against knowing the national debt. I think we should know. I think we should use the information to hold you accountable. But seriously??? You can't come up with a more cost effective manner to get the information out??? And as I previously stated, I never even knew it existed before tonight's news of a new one coming next year......

Well, I suppose if you need any further tips and hints on how to reach the public inexpensively with pertant information I'd happy to assist - just drop me a line at

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