Tuesday, October 28, 2008

If it was Obama hanging there.....

Ok, so I saw on the news last night that a "gentleman" (I use the term loosely) has a maniquin dressed as Sara Palin hanging in a nouse from his roof and is calling it "spooky art". Now come on! Seriously!!!!! If it was a manaquin dressed like Obama hanging from his rooftop I GAURANTEE it would all over the news, every channel, every broadcast probably even interupt our regularly scheduled broadcasting for breaking news. *Sighs* can't believe I've only seen this breifly mentioned on one broadcast.....

On another note, I absolutely can NOT believe Obama is encouraging people to take a day off from work or school to campaign for him! Maybe he missed the memo, but ummmm hello!!! The ecomony is in bad shape and I don't think any of us need to put our jobs any more at risk by asking for a day off!!! Ok, ok - some of you may not be putting your jobs at risk by taking a day off but can you afford to miss out on the income???? I know I sure couldn't afford to have my loving husband take a day off of work whether that affected his job performance rating or not.

So let's see, the economy is bad, our bills are piling up, our jobs may not be secure and our houses aren't near the value they were....so yah let's take a day off! *rolls eyes* PLEEEEEAAASSEEEEE!

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