Monday, January 5, 2009

Is it worth burning the bacon?

So I am a busy Mom. I assume most of us are busy whether you are a Mom, or a parent for that matter, or not. The afternoon started with cleaning up the kitchen, showering and heading out on a few shopping errands. Marah and I fight the snow and ice on the roads and safely make it to our stores with no hassles. We scored some great deals while out to. Heck, I think she did better than me! For her $5 she got a Rudolph lunch bag, a reindeer headband that lights up and a Backyardigans music set. I am shining proud of her and how she has learned to scope the clearance isles when it comes to spending her money. So we get home after hitting three stores and I start dinner. I am making a sandwich I've been thinking about all day - chicken breast, bacon & swiss cheese. I am happy to say it turned out as great as I thought it would! However, because I wanted bacon I had to fry it and the only thawed pack was 5 lbs. So, I start my venture of frying the bacon. Mind you I have to fry the whole pack as it has been previously frozen already.

An hour and a half later I am still frying bacon......Marah is in the tub calling for me. Whining for me. I am frustrated, doesn't she know I'm frying this massive pack of bacon??? Geez! I finally give in and go up to the bathroom. She proceeds to entertain me with song and dance and of course - a water show. I have to admit this, and I am so ashamed to, but I was getting mad! I mean -couldn't she smell the bacon? She knew I was cooking, trust me, I made that obundantly clear. But as my darling 4 yr old continued the show *after all, the show must go on* I couldn't help it, a smile breaks and my heart melts. So here is the point in my life where I learned that sometimes yes, it is in fact worth burning the bacon.

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